Nougat Modular 50mm PA

Units that are selected or produced for their durability and for a high degree of uniformity in size and shape.

Manufacturer: Corobrik
Size: 200 x 108.5 x 50
Nibbed Yes
Factory Manufactured at: Springs, Gauteng
Pavers per m241
Average Compressive Strength:TBC
Average Modulus Of Rupture:TBC
Average Mass Per Paver:2.6kg
Pavers Per Pallet:500
Typical 24 Hour Water Absorption:TBC
Exposure Zone Suitability:TBC
Traffic:Light Traffic
Dish Drain Channel:No
Kerb End:No
Bullnose on Flat:No


Our Office Hours

Mondays to Thursday: 7am - 5pm
Friday: 7am - 4pm

We are closed on all national public holidays.